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Brynn is 5 months old, Opa Vander Vaart is 85 years old. The joy on his face as I held Brynn up for a picture at his birthday. Pretty amazing moment for me, for him.

Sleep deprivation, coffee.

How do I keep enough energy in the bank to be a good husband and father after work?

“Everything ok, Adrian?”

Yearly, or bi-yearly check in here.

perfect daughter (one on the way!), awesome wife, good job (doing something I love no less)

I do not procrastinate any less. I waste gobs of time. Health & Wellbeing is on the upswing, that’s good. Ran a 10k with the ol’ man.

If there is one way to make life easier(?), learn to love serving.

What is the most important thing about teaching?

I am up for my first teacher review in a few weeks (days?) time and I’ve started thinking about what I need to do to get a “good mark”. Silly me, if I just do my thing and be honest with myself that is the best possible route. Why would I show what I’m? Instead I’ll try and give a true account of what a typical class looks like and receive the feedback as I should.

Still, what is the most important thing? I -hate- classroom management. Hate it. Without it, there isn’t much you can do. Fortunately I don’t suffer from it too much but there is the occasional class where I struggle. I don’t think its the most important thing. If you have that most important thing then I believe classroom management takes care of itself, in a manner of speaking. ie. Your lesson is so thrilling the students can’t help but pay attention.

I have realized that the question is ambiguous. You can interpret how you want to answer in a number of ways and there lies the beauty. Coming back from March Break I felt renewed and pumped to teach all day. Until I made a 30 minute mistake during one class, that sucked. Embarrassing when you catch yourself and go to back track to the confusion of all the students. But in the end I realized that right now, the most important thing in teaching is knowing that this is where I’m supposed to be and to work hard at it every day.

I’m thinking this blog is going to shift towards a teacher’s reflection. Hopefully it is updated more often then.

I woke up this morning, saw who was sleeping next to me and thought, “I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”

Self-awareness comes as a stone skipping across the waters of time.

Everything in life is good. I still find myself restless. What ever to do?

Sometimes I don’t feel the passage of time because I always have an idea of what the future holds and when I look back it just makes sense that I am here where I am now.

Everybody is selfish. Yes, especially you.

I miss simple friendships with a sadness that makes me lose focus at any task at hand.

I hate money.

I smile when I look at the stats and see that I get four views a day. I love you four people.

Europe trip with Micah is actually happening. So pumped.

Got to hang out with Delleman. I love that guy. So much good times. And great life advice.

Camping with Micah and Jessica is going to be one of the top weekends of the summer I think. Right up there with guy weekend: Kevin, Jordan and Dan.

“There is too many cars to turn around!”

“I’m gonna go make some friends.”

Nothing like a full stomache after a hot shower. 🙂

Yesterday’s Picture Scavenger Hunt was a complete success. For more details, Facebook has pictures up under Jessica’s name.

Food takes up so much of the evening. The process of going out to buy the food, then make it, then eat it, then clean up is a lot of hassle. Before you know it, its time for bed! Craziness. I considered cleaning my room, then I realized I better pay the internet bill. Yet another bill. Man growing up is crazy. If there is any sign that you are sorta approaching adulthood it must be the sheet volume of bills that come in every month. Good thing I don’t have a mortgage!


“Did you get your day’s giggle?” – Gerald

“Happiness? How about the lululemon pants?”

I don’t know why I try to title the blog post before writing it. I always change it after. But I can never seem to write until I have one that fits the mood I am in currently. The one you see is usually different than the one I started with. Anyways…

I suck at updating, I’m sorry. Okay, now that that is out of the way.

Summer has started out awesome. I am so content. So many things are going well. I really hope to keep this ball rolling. I mean, I’ve never been more in debt but all the little things are going well and if I’ve learned anything at all from Gerald its the little things that count. The only thing that is pressing on my mind is never finishing the independent study. Shit that is going to bite me in the butt. I gotta get on that.

It has been really nice working long hours. Working with Gerald is so awesome. I feel bad when I don’t get enough sleep. I feel myself being less effective and less fun to work with. He said the other day: “You know, you gotta smile more.” So that’s my project. Smile more. Its not that I’m in a bad mood, just trying to focus. We installed solar heating today. We just flew. It is a good feeling to look back and see progress in what you are doing.

I am super pumped for Erica’s return. This summer has a very different dynamic. I like it so I hope Erica likes it too. I know you read this Erica. It will all be okay, just be open for change. Its good sometimes. Your friends will still be there. 🙂

I just ran out of things to say. Super brain fart. I guess this is all you get!

QOtD: “See this here, its me, rolling in the money.” -Christian

“Its for the kids.”